The 14th Annual William and Donna Marie Haire Young Artist Competition will be held May 18th, 2025. This flute competition is open to all school age flutists who will graduate high school during or after the 2024-2025 school year. Winners will receive cash prizes to further their flute studies. The first and second place winners will be awarded $1000 and $500, respectively.

About Donna Marie Haire | 2024 Winners | Historical Winners | Registration

2025 Repertoire

For the Preliminary round

*This round is RECORDED.

Fantasy 3 in B minor, II. Allegro , by G.P. Telemann (w/ repeats)

Piece Romantique, for solo flute by Cecile Chaminade

For the Final round

The final round includes one required selection:

Tango Etude No. 3 by Astor Piazzolla

Flutists selected for the Final Round will prepare a 15-minute program of their own choosing which includes the required piece. No repeating Recorded Round repertoire. 15 minute runtime includes the required piece and stage transitions. 15 minutes total stage time.

The program should include a piece or pieces reflecting a wide variety of styles and/or periods. This may include single movements of works, sonatas, concerti, and unaccompanied pieces. All final round repertoire should be written originally for the flute, no arrangements. It is not necessary to perform all movements of a single work but any individual movement of a work must be performed in its entirety. Cuts may be made in the accompaniment and repeats may be deleted. Entire variations may be omitted, as long as a minimum of 75% of the piece is performed.

Procedures and Deadlines

  • To participate in this competition, school aged applicants must (1) upload mp3 recordings of the preliminary round repertoire, (2) submit the online application form, and (3) pay the nonrefundable application fee ($30) via PayPal/credit card.
  • All entrants must be current student members of the Texas Flute Society in order to participate. Entrants may join either before the competition application is submitted (use the Individual Membership Application form) or when the competition application form is submitted.
  • Entries must be submitted by March 15th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
  • Preliminary round recordings must be unedited and without accompaniment. Each selection should be recorded individually in one performance.
  • Please label recorded round submissions in English by composer last name (e.g. Telemann.mp3).
  • There must be NO identifying personal information in the MP3 tags of the recording.
  • Entrants are advised that the recording quality may affect results of the preliminary round.
  • Finalists will be notified by March 31st, 2025.
  • Finalists must be prepared to submit their final programs by April 7th, 2025.
  • Finalists are responsible for arranging their own pianist or requesting one from the Competition Coordinator.  Finalists are responsible for the accompanist’s fee.
  • Finalists are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses.
  • All performances are open to the public.
  • All judges’ decisions are final.

For more information, please contact the Competition Coordinator.

About Donna Marie Haire


Donna Marie Theisen Haire had a great lifelong love of music. She also loved young people dearly, and glorified in using her talents in music, poetry and dramatic arts to increase their enjoyment of learning.

Donna first began helping young people by encouraging her own children to develop interests in music and other arts, and providing them with a wealth of opportunities to learn. Her loving efforts soon expanded to many church-related groups. These included early-childhood education programs, Sunday School classes, and even small, amateur original theatrical productions that featured children as well as adults.

Although Donna was not formally trained as a teacher, this skill seemed to come naturally to her. She was very creative in finding ways to keep young people enthusiastic about learning, often using music, poetry and play-acting by her students. By all accounts over many years, she was adored by her students. She was also adored by their parents, who were grateful to have such a loving and skillful teacher for their children.

Donna was raised in Columbus, Ohio by her parents, Paul and Minnette Theisen. Early-on, she began her great love of music by tinkling the keys of the family piano. Later, as a high school student, she was able to attend summer piano classes at a local college conservatory and, as a result, became an accomplished pianist. Also in high school, she expanded her musical ability by becoming an excellent alto vocalist. She performed in her school’s choir, Glee Club and musical variety productions throughout her high school years. She was also a member of a popular vocal trio that performed at many school functions as well as on local television in Columbus. Donna dearly loved to sing and rarely missed an opportunity to participate in choral or small-group performances.

Wherever she went, Donna always found young people to love and make eager to learn through her unique blend of music, poetry and drama. She continued to do so for more than thirty years until ill-health forced her to relinquish her great love.

Donna Marie Theisen Haire passed away at the age of 75 on January 1, 2010. The Texas Flute Society is honored to have been selected to host the Donna Marie Haire Young Artist Competition in her name.

2024 Competition Winners

The Texas Flute Society is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 Donna Marie Haire Young Artist Competition.

Joseph Park

1st Place

Elisha Chiu

2nd Place

Historical Winners

1st Place2nd Place
2024Joseph ParkElisha Chiu
2023Stephanie KimLily Yang
2022Reina ShimStephanie Kim
2021Ingrid McDuffeeEunah Kim
2020Emily ParkIngrid McDuffee
2019Allison LiuSubee Kim
2018Madison HardickLauren Brady
2017Subin ChoYeongjae Jo
2016Joanna KimAlyssa Tinsley
2015Isaiah Obey Jarrett May
2014Tiffany JiangCrystal Kim
2013Elizabeth KangJoann Lee
2012Shilpa KudvaVeronica Zheng
